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Shuffler Data Page
(updated 06/02/2024)

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Description of Data:
Hall of Fame & Move-Up   Current Pro, State Am, Dist. Am - Cumulative Pts.
District Masters   Pro Masters, State Am, Reiny  - Season Playoff Pts.
Shufflers   Display All or Search for a Name, Rank, Sex
Inactive  Inactive/Deceased Players
Tournaments Played   Search past Tournaments by Season, Tourn No.
Tournaments Played   Search past Tournaments by Player Name
Mailing List   To Add/Delete/Change a Name, Contact the Webmaster
Hall of Fame Rules   Hall of Fame
District Masters Rules   District Masters
Amateur Move-Up (2/28)   Amateur Move-up Points 
Pro Lifetime (2/23)   Current Pro Lifetime Points 
All Time Pro Points   All Time Pro Lifetime Points Leaders 
Current Master Pts (2/23)   District Pro Masters, State Am Top-8, and Reiny Schleier Points